Make it real with BoardFlo!
It's all about efficiency, saving time and improving your overall activities.
Collection of card ordered in lists to keep you organized
You are preparing for a big project, or just planing your next vacation, Boardflo is here to help
Follow your project from base to top. Keep track on your everyday activities
Perfectly sorted lists that clearly dictate everything that's important
Refine, improve and enhance your workflow
Move your sticky notes to the board you want
- Gartner
Leading organizations will... shift budgets from traditional, top-down-determined, annual merit increases and incentive compensation to bottom-up, event-specific and more frequent rewards.
- HayGroup
What can HR do to better retain employees and reduce turnover expense? The answer is not complicated: focus on measuring, understanding and improving employee engagement.
- Bersin by Deloitte
The old-fashioned traditional service-awards industry is being transformed and now is the time for you as a business leader to rethink the way you say “thank you” to your people.
- Aberdeen Group
Any organization seeking a more effective and engaging approach to performance reviews, should consider the role of “social recognition” in driving results.